November Is The Right Time To Write, Right?

Of course, any time is perfect for writing, but in November there is an incentive – National Novel Writing Month, where the goal is to write a 50,000 word book throughout the month.

Thinking of getting that book out? Here’s some tips:

  • Now, that may seem daunting, but that works out to less than 1,700 words a day. At 30 words a minute of typing (I won’t say who types that slow – but it’s me) that’s less than an hour of typing each day.
  • It’s important to remember that a draft is just that – a draft. Too many people aim for perfection in their first story. Get the words down, and you can edit later.
  • Don’t break the flow! One of the best techniques I ever learned was placeholders – when something bogs me down in my text, I put a note there like ***add link to website*** and keep on writing – then I can go back, search on “***” and fill in all the research. It keeps the flow of my writing going – well worth a try!
  • Think positive. See the finished book in your mind’s eye. Gwen from time to time will remark how great it is to look at her finished books and realize “I did those.” You will too, but it will take a bit of slogging to get there. So focus on that positive future.
  • November can be extra helpful, since joining the NNWM site (it’s free) means you can benefit from others on the forum, a countdown to the end of the month to “encourage” you, and even a certificate you can print out at the end when you complete your goals.
  • Something I just found out this year: You don’t have to write a 50,000 word book as part of the contest. It can be part of a bigger book. Since typical books are around 100,000, this means I can write part of my great Canadian novel, and still feel I succeeded. Yes!
  • Write. There is so much you will uncover, but only if you get into the trenches and write. Planning, waiting, talking – they can matter, but things change once you’ve started writing. There’s a famous quote, “No battle plan survives the battle.” Likewise, no plan for writing will survive actually writing. You will learn new techniques, figure out the best way for you to write, and so much more – but only if you actually write.

So give it a try. Make November the month you get your first novel written!

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